Recently, Microsoft announced the end of life for its popular Windows 7 product. That end of life date is January 14, 2020.Microsoft will discontinue all support, including paid support; and all updates, including security updates.

Read More : windows-7-support-will-end-on-january-14-2020

What Does End of Life Mean?

End of life is the date after which an application is no longer supported by the company that makes it. After Windows 7 end of life, you could continue to use the OS, but you would be doing so at your own risk. New computer viruses and other malware are being developed all the time and, without the security updates to fight them off, your data and your system would be vulnerable.

reputation for success

What Do I Need To Do To Prepare?

  • Identify machines that need to be upgraded or replaced
  • Consider replacing legacy systems using older operating systems
  • Develop a timeline and budget for upgrades and replacements
  • Implement security controls to separate critical systems from Windows 7 machines that cannot be upgraded or removed
  • Plan for employee training to learn the new system

Adopting Windows 10 can be as simple as upgrading an existing Windows 7 computer based on your Microsoft licensing agreement, but in many cases, a device refresh may be necessary due to hard drive space, system resources or physical capabilities. From a financial perspective, the cost of a new computer — plus IT staff setup time and lost user productivity during the transition — comes at a significant price.